Thursday 25 September 2014


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Why do things  happen in slow-motion when you have  an accident?Would any body tell me the reason.In my opinion ,THIS IS BECAUSE our estimates of time depend on how much  we remember ,and more memories are laid down in an emergency .In one case volunteers  fell back into a net from 50m,experiencing terrifying  freefall for 3 seconds.They said they seemed to be moving  in slow motion and estimated the fall had taken between  four and six second ,rather than three.........................To find out whether they were really experiencing events  more slowly they were given a wrist watch  displaying random numbers flickering too fast to see .During the fall they could  not see the number any more.So  time doesn't really slow down.They just remember it as though  it did,probably because the amygdala , a part of the brain  implicated in fear,is highly active and affects the way memories are made .WHILE IT MIGHT SOUND DEPENDING.

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