Saturday 31 January 2015

Wanita tikam suami angkara WhatsApp

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Aplikasi WhatsApp menjerumuskan seorang
wanita ke penjara selama setahun atas tuduhan
menikam suaminya dengan pemutar skru .

Kejadian tercetus apabila Mella Manatasi leka
menghantar pesenanan melalui aplikasi telepon
mudah alih itu kepada bekas suaminya.

Masalah timbul apabila tindakan Mella itu di
sedari suaminya.Daripada pertangkaran konflik
suami isteri -Mella  -Gabriel Madara itu berlarutan
sehingah keganasan fizikal.

Dalam prosiding mahkamah ,hakim dberitahu
Mella mengigit degu Madara apabila lelaki
terbabit merampas telepon dan mengancam
untuk menggunakan nya sebagai bukti curang.

Mella juga menikam suaminya dengan pemutar
skru,serta memukul kepala lelaki terbait dengan
batang besi dalam kejadian 14 January lalu.

Namun Mella bernasib baik kerana hakim bersetuju
menagguhkan perlaksaan hukuman itu semalam.



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Hanya kerana  menegur sekumpulan kanak
kanak bermain di pakir berhampiar pasar
malam ,seorang lelaki bersama rakannya
cereda di muka apabila di belasah tujuh
lelaki tidak dikenali nya dalam kejadian
di pekan Inanam dekat sini kelmarin.

Dalam kejadian jam 6 petang mangsa ,Rudy
Utong 36 cedera dimata ,hidung dan pipi
selepas ditumbuk manakala rakannya berusia
34 tahun cedera di pipi.

Menurut Rudy  ketika kejadian dia bersama
abang dan seorang lagi rakannya ke pasar
malam sebelum melatakan kereta nya di
pakir terbabit.Dia melihat sekumpulan kanak
kanak bermain di kawasan pakir dan menegur
mereka supaya tidak bermain disitu.

Kanak kanak terbabit beredar lalu dia melatakan
kereta disitu sebelum abang menuju ke pasar,
manakala dia dan rakannya menung didalam
kereta,katanya ketika di hubungi,semalam.

Menurut Rudy ,tidak lama selepas itu sekumpulan
lelaki menghampiri kereta nya lalu menumbuk
pada mata ,kepala dan pipinya,hampir pitam
manakala rankannya juga dibelasah, katanya.

Kemudian dia bergagas ke Balai polis untuk
membuat laporan polis.
Ketua Polis Daerah Kota Kinabalu mengesahkan
kejadian itu ,dan siasatan lanjut di jalankan.

The Beautiful Beach Of Bora Bora Island

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Paradise Island ,Heaven on Earth,
Enjoy tis brand new Chillout mix
with images from beautiful Bora
Bora Island in French Polynesia.


Friday 30 January 2015

Pakistan player hit for six by GHOST sighting (HAUNTED HOTEL)

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A Pakistan cricketer on tour in New Zealand
was hit for six when he saw what he believed
was a ghost haunting him in his hotel room,
the team manager said Tuesday.

Haris  Sohail was convinced a "supernatural "
presence was haunting him when he awoke
Saturday night to find his bed moving,team
manager Naveed Akram Cheema  said.
Cheema told Fairfox media thatSohail called
a member of the coaching staff who arrived
to fined the 26-year old all rounder "visibly

Sohail ,a left arm spinner and middle -order
batsman ,spent the rest of the night in the
coach's room at the Rydges Latimer hotel,in
Christchurch before being moved to another
room.The cricketer tweeted on Sunday .

One of his followers tweeted back "Its nice
to hear that you recovered from that incident
in New Zealand.

The hotel management declined to comment
on the incident ,referring enquiries to Pakistan
team officials who explained that the cricketer
was suffering from a fever at the time.

"We think it was the fever that caused it (but)
the player still believes his bed was shaken by
something and it was a super-natural something,"
Cheema said adding that Sohail had been examined
by the team doctor and was found to be in good

Sohail was reportedly unable to train for two days
after the incident and scored six when batting at
number four Tuesday against a New Zealand

The 4-5-star Rydges Latimer has been rebuilt
since the 2011 earthquake that devasted Christchurch
and claimed 185 lives.There have been  no overnight
earthquakes recorded in the Christchurch since the
Pakistan team arrived.

It is the first time an international cricketer has
complained of ghostly goings-on in the night.
In2005 several of the Australian party complained
od para-normal activity at Lumley  Castle hotel,
which looms over Durham county's Riverside ground.

The 600-yaer-0ld castle is rumoured to be haunted
by Lily,an aristocratic lady murdered in the 14th
century AFP(

Tuesday 27 January 2015


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"Saya hendak minta maaf dengan seikhlas
atas kata kata saya  yang mungkin menyinggung
perasaan sesiapa saja di pentas mlm maharajah
lawak Mega 2014 minggu lepas.

Itu permohonan maaf pelawak Zizan Razak,
berikutan keceman daripada peminat yang
menganggap nya semakin sombong dan tidak
sensitif ketika melakukan persembahan dalam
MLM 2014 Jumaat lalu,

Zizan berkata permohonan maaf  itu dapat
 diterima oleh masyarakat kerana dia tidak
berniat buruk dalam kata kata mahupun
tindaktanduk nya  ketika persembahan
bersama kumpulan Virus itu.

"Saya hanya bergurau saja dan tidak pernah
berniat untuk mengguris hati sesiapapun"
Maafkan saya,jurjur dan ikhlas saya "katanya,

Jenaka Zizan dan Virus yang dilihat seperti
mempersendahkan Dayang Norfaizah dengan
mengunakan istilah hitam manis pada mingu
suku akhir Jumaat lalu


Artis Rita Rudaini (VIDEO)

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Petaling Jaya;\\

Biarpun hanya mendapat nafkah untuk dua
anak lelaki nya sebanyak rm3000 sebulan
berbanding jumlah yang di tuntut ia itu
rm5392 ,pelakon Rita Rudaini tetap reda
dengan keputusan Mahkamah Rendah Syairah
Subang Bestari disini semalam.

Menurut Rudaini 39 jumlah itu ada lah mencukupi
untuk perbelanjaan dua orang anaknya,"Kini
mereka bersekolah dengan bayaran tahunan
lebihRM2000 dan bayaran bulanan RM259
seorang.Kali ini saya sudah bersedia dengan
resit sebagai bukti nanti,"katanya.

Pda prosiding semalam ,Hakim Syarie Abdul
Halim Samah memeritakan pemain pertahanan
skuad Johor Darul Takzim Mohd Aidl Zahuan.
28 membayar nafkah dua anak lelakinya sebanyak
RM3000 sebulan.

Abdul Halim juga memerintakanAidil Zafuan
membayarjumlah itu ke dalam akaun bekas
isterinya itu selewat lewatnya sebelum 5 hari
bulan bermula Februari ini.

Mahkamah juga mendapati menjadi kewajaran
untuk defendan membayar RM3000 sebulan
untuk rumah yang di diami plaintif dan anak
anaknya ,kerana tiada tindakan oleh defendan
untuk memindahkan mereka daripada rumah
itu .

Aidil berkata,dia reda dengan keputusan
mahkamah..Saya terima keputusan ini  sebaba
memang sudah jadi tanggonjawab saya sebagi

Aidil berharap tiadak lagi pertikaian yang
menyatakan saya tidakberi nafkah.Insya
Allah saya akan tetap jalan kan tanggojawab
dengan sebaik mungkin katanya yang di
wakili peguam syarie Rushdan Sujak rafie.


Monday 26 January 2015


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penemuan "mayat bayi yang dilarikan
seekoe biawak membuatkan orang ramai
gempar seketika dan mengerumuni lokasi
berkenaan dalam kejadian berkampiran
 lampuh isyarat di Bagan Aja di sini semalam.

Bagaimanapun selapas hampir dua jam
menunggu orang  ramai akhirnya menarik nafas
lega apabila siasatan polis mendapati objekjam
yang disangka mayat bayi itu sebenarnya
ada lah bangkai seekor kucing.

Dalam kejadian jam 2.18 petang seorang lelaki
berusia 20 an terserampak seekor biawak yang
mengheret satu objek ke dalam parit.

menurut sumber lelaki itu menyangkakan
objek berkenaan tangan bayi dan dia yang curiga
terus menghubungi polis bagi memaklumkan
kejadian itu.

Hasil maklumat itu sepasukan polis bergagas
ke lokasi berkenaan dan mendapati biawak
itu masih mengigit objek itu di dalam parit.

Berikutan itu sepasukan anggota Bombah
dan penyelamat serta Jabatan Pertahan Awam
turut tiba di lokasi dan pemeriksaan lanjut
mendapati objek itu sbebenarnya bangkai

Menurutnya bangkai kucing itu diselaputi
lumpur dan ia mungkin kelihatan seperti
tangan bayi hingga membuatkan orang ramai
khuatir dan menhubungi pasukan keselamatan..

Biawak itu di tangkap bombah dan orang ramai
yang pada mulanya berpusu pusu ke lokasi
kejadian akhirnya lega kerana mayat   bayi
yang disangka dilarikan biawak itu adalah
bangkai kucing.


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Tindakan seroang remaja cuba mengisi
gas kimpalan ke dalam tong alat pemadam
api dipercayai diubah suai mengundang
padah apabila tong itu meletup mengakibatkan
mangsa cedera dalam kejadian di bengkel
kimpalan di jalan Bidor Raya disini semalam.

Dalam kejadian jam 1 patang itu ,remaja terbabit
dilaporkan cedera pada kedua dua tangan nya
dan dada akibat terkena serpihan besi tong
pemadam api yang meletup.

Ketua Operasi Balai  Bombah dan Penyelamat
Bidor ,Penguasa Bombah Kanan 11 Nasir
Md Nor berkat ,pihaknya menerima penggilan
menganai kejadien itu pada jam 1.11 petang.
Dan sebaik tiba dilokasi pihaknya mendapati
remaja terbabit telah di hantar ke hospital
oleh keluarganya.untuk rawatan.

Menurutnya pemeriksaan terhadap alat
pemadam api berkenaan mendapati ia berusia
lebih 20 tahun dan sudah temat tempoh,selain
ia juga diubah suai dengan bahagian nya
di bersihkan.

Kebiasaannya alat pemadam api hanya boleh
digunakan untuk tempoh 10 hingah 12 tahun saja..
Dan pengisian semula hanya boleh dilakukan
pihak konsltan yang diberikan lesen saja.
mala pihak Bombah sendiri tidak boleh
melakukan pengisiannya ,katanya.


DUDAH beranak tujuh Marah bekas isteri belasah anak,

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Marahkan bekas isteri anak jadi mangsa,
itulah pederitaan di hadapi kanak kanak
perampuan berusia 11 tahun dan abangnya
berusia 13 tahun apabila mereka bukan saja
di pukul dan diterjang ,malah turut di sebat
menggunakan batang paip getah,selain
anak perampuan 11 tahun itu di cabul oleh
bapa setan itu.

Penderitaan dua beradik itu sejak enam bulan
yang lalu,bagaimanapun berakhir jam 11
kelmarin apabila  suspek itu yang berusia 50
tahun dan berkerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan
ditahan oleh pihak berkuasa di rumahnya
di  Puchong dekat sini.

Memperincikan kejadian itu Zainuddin berkata
,tangkapan itu dilakukan terhadap suspek selaapas
menerima laporan polis dibuat remaja lelaki  terbabit
di balai polis Bukit Jalil.

Siasatan awal mendapati mangsa yang teruk
didera adalah kanak kanak peramuan itu bersama
dengan abangnya yang tingal bersama bapa
mereka di Puchong ,selapas bercerai dengan

Menurutnya remaja lelaki itu,yang tidak
tahan melihat adik peramuannya di pukul
bapanya,akhirnya membuat laporan polis.

"Dalam laporannya mereka dipukul tanpa
sebab tidak cukup dengan itu remaja lelaki
terbabit juga pernah melihat bapanya mencabul
adik perampuannya,Si abang tidak berani
mengadu kepada ibunya seblum ini kerana
takut dipukul lebih teruk lagi.

Zainuddin berkata ,selain penahanan suspek
pihaknya juga menyelamatkan dua beradik itu.
"Keadaan kanak kanak perampuan itu di
katakan stabil dan dirawat di Hospital
Kuala Lumpur.Manakala abangnya di
rawat sebagai pesakit luar.di Hospital
yang sama.


Sunday 25 January 2015


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Lebih 99 peratus  daripada 30 juta penduduk
Afghanistan beragama Islam,Bagaimanapun
seak ditubuhkan kira kira 100 tahun lalu
 negara itu tidak pernah aman.

Walau pun sama agama  penduduknya  terdiri
dari  puluhan suku dan puak yang sukar untuk
berbaik sesama sendiri,Siapa faham dedikit
senjata menjadi penyelasaian.

Keadaan sama berlaku di Iraq dan Syria dan
terbaru di Yaman.Bezanya ,perbalahan di
negera berkenaan tercetus kerana perbezaan
pegangan agama.

Selain perbezaan agama dan bangsa ,warna
kulit turut menjadi factor persengketaan antara
penganut katolik dan Protesttan.

Paling menakutkan apabila perbezaan agama
dan bangsa mencetuskan ketegangan dalam
kelangan penduduk sesbuah negara.Sentimen
etnosentrik yang menggangap masyarakat(budaya)
sendiri lebih unggul daripada yang lain  cukup
muda di tiup oleh gulongan oportunis yang
suka menangguk di air keruh.

Malaysia sendiri pernah melalui situai menyedihkan
ini pda 1969 masih meninggalkan parut pada
sebilangan rakyat yang tentunya berharap ia
tidak berulang lagi demi keamanan dan kestabialan
negara yang tercinta.

Apa kah punca utama semua sengketa ini?
Jawapannya mudah ,kurang tolak ansur sesama

Justeru tindakan cepat pihak berkuasa untuk
menyiasat nya ada lah tindakan yang paling
tepat sebelum api kemarahan itu kian merebak.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Pop Singer Meghan debut album opens at No 1.

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Pop singer MEGHAN TRAINOR'S debut
album has opened at number one on the
Us charts with the popularity of her
breakaway hit,"All About That Bass"
helping dethrone Taylor Swift.

Nielsen Soundscan said that Trainor'salbum
"Title sold 238000 copies either in traditional
sale or the equivalent through streaming
and song purchases ,in the week ending Sunday.
Trainors  who recently turned 21 was recognised
for her musical skills at an early age.

 Her career took off last year when "All about
The Bass" a pop tune with a catchy rhythm
line became a global sensation in part by going
viral on streaming platforms.

"Title"opened at number one on the Billboard
chart released late Wednesday ,pushing to
number two Taylor Swift's 1989 which enjoyed
nine non-consecutive weeks at number one
and was by far the top selling album released
in 2014.


Ansiton talks Oscar snub, VIDEO

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Jennifer Ansiton would like to thank the
academy.But ti won't be inthis year .

at long last ,many critics saw Aniston
fulfil potential first revealed in 2002's
art house hit "The Good Girl" in an even
darker more daring role in the drama.

But the motion picture academy passed
her by when it announced it nomination
last week.
On the day after failing to receve the Oscar
nomination;the 45 year old Ansiton was
promoting "Cake"which open Friday,while
sitting just inches away from a poster touting
her "Oscar 'worthy"
   Ansiton is a Redeemer award nominee,thanks
to her work in "Cake"

While never a winner ,Ansiton is a four time
Razzie nominee primarily for roles in her string
on generally poorly reviewed ,but often commercially
successful,romantic comedies.

Ansiton gets to give at least one acceptance speech
for her performance in "Cakes'
Just a week after Sunday's SAG Awards. The actrees
will head some 90 miles north of Hollywood,
to accept the Santa Barbara International film

"Its been25 years  that I've been lucky enough
to make a  living doing what I love to do.
Ansiton said.

Thursday 22 January 2015


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The city of Paris said it plans to sue US chain
Fox News for reports that  there were "no-go zones"
 in the French capital that the police and non-
 Muslims avoid.

The report in the wake of the Islamist attacks
in Paris two weeks ago have been an on -air
apology  for suggesting parts of Paris and the
English city of Birmingham were run under
Islamic Syariah law.

"A complaint will be filed in the coming days
,despite the apology ,said a source at Paris city hall.

The few channel broadcast a map out lining the
so-called no-go zones ,which an expert ,Nolan
Peterson said felt like  Afghanistan or Iraq.

On Saturday ,a fox news anchor apologised
for ,some regrettable errors on air regarding
the Muslim population in Europe ,particularly
with regard to England and France.

The Fox reports spawned much derision online
and saw local news show Le Petit Journal send
fake correspondents Mike and John to report
on these so -called dangerous areas.

Another takes fright at the sight of a Moroccan
restaurant  Very dangerous couscous in Paris.

Canada 's Harper lied about ground combat in Iraq; ( VIDEO)

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Canada's qpposition leader accused Prime Minister
Stephen Harper of having lied when he promised
no ground combat alongside airstrikes against the
Islamic State group in Iraq.

The accusation comes after Canadian special forces
exchanged gunfire with Islamic State fighters in the
Mideast country in recent days,in the first confirmed
ground battle between Western troop and Is.

The Canadian came under mortar and machine gun
fire while training  Iraq troop near front lines and   
shot back in what Canadian special forces commander
Brigadier General Michael Roul eau described as self-
defense,killing the IS fighters.No Canadian were  
injured in the clash.

Harper's spokesman ,Jason MacDonald,was  
unapologetic,telling AFP that the "international 
jihadist  movement has declared war on Canada
and its allies.

Harper had asked parliament in September to
support joining the international coalition  
launching air strikes on the Islamic State group.

Both the opposition New Democratis and Liberals
voted against the mission in the house of Commons.
saying they feared it  could become a  quagmire.

But Harper's Conservative majority carried the
vote in favor of a six months mission,while ruling
out sending ground combat troops.

Sixty nine special forces were also tasked with
training Iraqi troops.
Rouleau  told a media briefing  on Monday that
special forces have also targets in Iraq
for coalition aircrafts to strike......... AFP.

Wednesday 21 January 2015


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The Coen brothers,the award-winning American
directors of "No Country for "Old Man""Forgo"
and TheBig Lebowski"are no jointly head this
years Canners Film Festival jury the organisers
announced Tuesday.

Joel and Ethan Coen will be co- presidents of the
panel of filmmakers and actors who will judge
 the 20-or so films in the nain competition event
of the festival,which will run May 13-24 according
to a  statement.

The two directors added they were "especially
happy at the opportunity being given to us to see
films from around the entire world" They stressed
that Cannes "has always played an important role
for us" since the beginning of their careers.

Being presidents of the jury of this year is even
more of an honour in that we've never been president
of  anything before. It is the first time the Cannes
jury will be jointly headed by two people.

The sibling are also  Cannes darling having presented
seven of their 16 features at the Riviera showcase,
event,They picked up the festival's top Palme
d'Or prize for Barton  Fink in 1991,its runner-up
Grand Jury Prize.

If the Coen brothers "filmography is anything
to by though ,dark humour and offbeat characters
or situations would be  appealing traits they
would be looking for.
They have also increasingly been attracting
Hollwood stars to yheir own films.



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A remarkably stupid'Irish teenage was fined on
Tuesday when firefighter had to rescue him
after he became stuck in the roof of an Australian
nightclub he was trying to enter.

Hugh McMahon 18 was ordered to pay an (U$$736)
fine and Aus$1,700 compensation to the club at
Surfers Paradise,on Austra'seast coast ,a court
official told AFP.

He had pleaded guilty to charges of trespassing wilful
damage and  failing to leave a licensed premises.
The court heard McMahon had tried to enter the
SinCity nightclub in Queensland after he was twice
ejected,climbing through an air vent after breaking
into the building early Tuesday the Australian
press reported.

But he  became tangled in wires and trapped between
pipes inthe roof cavity,and the fire brigade had to
cut him out .

During his  rescue ,the teenager told police he had
attempted similar feats in Ireland and was only caught
once,the Gold Coast Bulletin reported.

"Drunk or sober,it was as absolutely remarkably
stupid thing to have done ",AAP reported magistrate
Ron Kilner as saying."You only have yourself
to blamed"Yea stuupid! AFP

Tuesday 20 January 2015


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Shares in Japanese  budget airline Skynark
plunged on Thursday after a report said talks
about a capital injection deal with bigger rival.
All Nippon Airways (ANA) had collapsed.

The company's Tokyo-listed shares dropped
as much as 15 per cent in early trading before
recovering some losses to close 6.92 per cent
lower at 363.0yen.

Skymark ,which flies domestic routes in
Japan,rejected the report."It is true that
we requested a capital injection (from ANA)
and we don't plan to do so" a company
spokes man said.

The top -selling Yomiuri newspaper said
ANA and JAL planned to start code- sharing
with Skymark in late March .Responding
 to that report ,the airline said a timeline
and other details had not yet been decided.

Later Thursday Skymark issued a statement
yhat denied the Nikkei story ,and said it was
 postponing a February 18 meeting where it
had beenexpected to seek sharesholder approval,
for any new investment.

The carrier has been  struggling owing to fierce
competition in the airline industry and its woes
deepened in July when Airbus  cancelled a deal
for the carrier to buy six A380 jets ,apparently
over payment concerns ,sending its shares
into freefall.

Chris Soules in a scene from The Bachelor ( VIDEO)

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Chris Soules ,a farmer  from Arlington lowa wants
to take a wife on the 19th season of ABC's :"The Bachelor"
Soules competed on the last of "The Bachelorette"
where he made it to the final three ,but was ultimately
rejected by Andi Dorfman because the former Fulton
 county ,Georgia ,assistant district attorney couldn't
see herself moving to his small town.

Now Soules says "he's "in love" and excited  that
the whole journey worked ".In a recent interview,
Soules said he was confident in the process of
finding love in TV.

He had to leave harvest ,which is one of the most
intense periods for his farming operation through
out the year.Leaving that all behind,it had to be
something he believed in..It put a lot of additional
stress on his said.


Monday 19 January 2015


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 A Chinese woman cut off her husband's
penis as payback foe an affair,and repeated
the feat after the organ was sewn back on,
Chinese media reported.

Investigated determined that the appendage
of a 32 year-old man surnamed Fan had
completely disappeared following December
attacks in the central province of Henan ,
government owned media outlet HNR said.

Fan's wife,who was not named in the report
took the radical step of chopping off his
penis after she found otu he was in a relationship
with a 21 year-old woman.

Fan rushed to a hospital'after the incident,
and doctors reattached his penis.
But his wife crept into a ward as he slept
to claim the organ again.

The two subscquently clashed outside the
facility ,with a naked and bleeding Fan
beating his wife,until  onlookers called for

Pictures posted online said to be of Fan showed
a nude man dragging a fully clothed person
over a road.Doctors and onlookers searched
for Fan's penis but were unable to locate it,
the report said.Fan's wife suffered from a mental
illness and had been detained by police .

Fan was transferred to another hospital where
doctors operated on him for an hour,the
 report said,He later recovered his health,
but was in "an unstable mood,and very
upset it said,


Homeless Russian cat saves abandoned baby boy (VIDEO)

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A homeless cat in Russia has won praise
for caring and keeping warm a baby boy
abandoned in a chilly entrance -way.

The story took place in the town of Obninsk
in the Kaluga region ,where the baby was
abandoned in the entrance -way to an apartment
block and left lying on the floor on Saturday,
a day when temperature were several  degrees
centigrade below zero.

A local cat by the name of Masha  that lived
in a cardboard box in the hallway "warmed
the baby for several hours with her body"TV
Zvezda channel reported Thursday.

After hearing loud cries one of the residents
opened her front door and spotted the baby
on the floor, with the cat sitting beside it,
licking it and trying to warm it,TV Zvevda

The residents are certain if the cat hadn't
take care of it the baby wouldn't have had
a chance "the channel's anchor  said.

Nadezhda  Makhovikova,who lives in a flat
on the stairway,toldREN TV she went out
after hearing sounds as if the cat was miaowing
in distress.When I went down ,I saw it was
the baby crying.

When paramadics arrived and took the baby
intothe ambulance ,Mash ran after them
RENT TV reported.Vera Ivanina ,a paramadic
told REN TV,"She was so worried about where
we were taking the baby,She ran right behind us,
miaowing.She was really a rational creature.

Russian television aired footage of the shaggy
green-eyed tabby cat,fed by residents and allowed
to lived in the hall.

The baby ,a boy aged between toe to three months,
turned out to be perfectly healthy .He was abandoned
with clean clothes and a pack of nappies.

Police have launched a search for the parents
while the baby is being cared for in the hospital.


Thursday 15 January 2015

Wanita gunting kemaluan suami ada hubungan sulit.

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Seorang wanita di tahan selapas didakwa
mengerat kemaluan suaminya ,bukan sekali
tetapi dua kali.Selapas dia mengetahui lelaki
itu menjalinkan hubungan sulit dengan
wanita lain.

Si suami Fan Lung 32,yang juga bapa lima
anak,menggunakan telepon isterinya untuk
menghantar e-mail kepada wanita simpanan
nya Zhang hung 21,dari kediamannya di Bandar
Shanqiu di wilaya Henan.

Fan terlupa memadam kan pesanan itu,
Isterinya Feng 30 tidak dapat mengawal
kemarahannya apabila membaca teks pesanan
rinkas itu,lalu mengambil gunting dan
menggunting kemaluan suaminya ketika lelaki itu

Fan dibawa ke hospital dan doctor berjaya
menyambung semula kemaluannya.
Bagaimanapun ,Feng berjaya menyusup
masuk ke hospital itu dan mengerat lagi
kemaluan suaminya yang kedua kali.sebelum
mencampakkan-nya ke luar tingkap hospital.

"Kami di beritahu ada lelaki bogel memukul
seorang wanita di luar hospital.Kami meluru
keluar untuk melihat apa yang berlaku dan
mendapati seorang pesakit dengan darah
mengalir pada kakinya memukul wanita itu."
Kata seorang jurucakap hospital.

Mereka membawa pasangan itu masuk
ke hospital dan menyedari Feng memotong
kemaluan suaminya yang baru disambung

Doctor dan polis berusaha mencari kemaluan
itu di luar hospital,tetapi tidak menemuinya,
Mereka percaya ia mungkin dimakan anjing
atau kucing yang bekeliaran di kawasan

Fan yang banyak kehilangan darah kini
dilaporkan stabil selapas menjalani pembedahan

Namun dia dikatakan terekan selapas kehilangan
senjata sulitnya.Bagaimanapun wanita simpanan-
nyaberkata dia tetap akan berkahwin dengan
lelaki itu walaupun dia tidak ada lagi senjata

Wednesday 14 January 2015

W00ds confirms return to Phoenix

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Tiger Woods is looking to play later this
month at the PGA Phoenix Open an event
the former world number one has skipped
since 2001 ,Woods
  confirmed on his website on Friday.

"It will be great to  return to Phoenix" the
14-time major champion said in an article
posted on which also confirmed
that after playing in Phoenix fromJanuary
29 to February 1 he would play in the
Farmers Insurance Open on February 5-8 at
Torrey Pines.

"The croweds are amazing and always enthusiastic
and the 16th hole is pretty unique in golf.
Torrey is a very important place to me"My pop
took me there when I was younger, and I have
a lot of special memories of watching the tour
play there when I was growing up"

Woods has not played in the tournament ,known
for rowdy fans and  loud cheers since a spectator
tossed an orange onto  green while he was putting,
Woods was heckled by a spectator in  1999 who
was later found to have a gun at that time.

Woods famously delighted the crowd with
an aceat  the 16tg in 1997.Woods ,chasing
the all time record of 18 majors won by Jack
Nicklous,returned last month from a four month
layoff due to a back injury at the Hero World
Challenge in Florida.

He had said he planned a 2015 schedule some
what different from his usual  campaign.
The event in Scottsdale finishes on February
1 just ahead of the National Football league's
Super Bowl championship spectacle in another
nearby Phoenix subueb,Glendale.

At Torrey Pines near La Jolla,California,Woods
will be returning to a course where he has won
eight times and where he collected his most
recent major  title at the 2008 US Open.

Woods ,who recently celebrated his 38th
birthday is starting his 20th year on the PGA
Tour,He has amassed 79 career victories,
second only to Sam Snead's on the all-time list'


Tuesday 13 January 2015


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Hasratnya untuk memberi kejutan  romanik
kepada isterinya dengan sarapan pagi dikamar
tidur berakhir dia ditembak kerana disangka

Menurut polis di fayetville ,Zia Zegule 28
berlepas ke pangkalan tentera Fort Bragg seperti
biasa pada jam 8 pagi,tetapi kembali semula ke
rumahnya untuk menyediakan sarapan romantic
untuk isterinya.

Dia bagaimanapun telanggar penggera keselamatan
dan apabila menghampiri kamar tidurnya dia
ditembak dari dalam sekitar jam 10 pagi oleh
isterinya .Tiffany Zegule 27 yang kembali tidur
selapas suaminya ketempat kerja.

Polis berkata Zegule memasuki rumah itu dari
pintu depan,tetapi tidak dapat disahkan samas
ada dia memanggil isterinya sebelum dia ditembak.

Menyedari apa yang berlaku Tiffany menelefon
pangilan kecemasan.Pasukan paramedik yang tiba
di rumahitu,bagaimanapun berkata Zegule masih
dalam keadaan sedar ketika di bawa ke hospital,
dengan ambulans.

Angota tentera itu kini dilapurkan stabil dan
dijangka dibenarkan keluar dari hospital di
Carolina Utara beberapa hari lagi.

Polis berkata Tiffany mungkin begitu bembang
berikutan beberapa kejadian pecah rumah di
kawasan kejiranan itu."

"Dia melakukan apa yang dirasakan perlu untuk
mempertahankan dirinya ketika itu"kata jurucakap.

"Dia bangun dan mengambil senjata lalu menimbak
 dari dalam bilik.Timbakan itu kena dada suaminya".

Dan sebagai wanita yang bersendrian di rumah itu,
pasti berasa bimbang menganai  keselamatan,dan
bertindak untuk melindungi dri sendiri."kata Jose
Estrella yang tinggal berhampiran rumah pasangan



Kesal tak bermakna lagi;

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"Walaupun menagis air mata darah sekali
pun ,tidak mungkin saya akan mendapat
semula isteri saya, Angkara cemburu buta
saya tergamak melafazkan cerai talak tiga
kepada dia",Kata seorang lelaki yang hanya
ingin di kenali sebagai Razak 27,meluakan
kesilapan dilakukan nya.

Menurutnya dia mengakui sikap panas baran
sukar dibendung sejak mereka berkahwin
setahun lalu dan pantang berlaku perselisihan
faham ,mereka pasti bertangkar dan kadangkala
dia memukul isterinya yang dikenali sebagai
Zura berusia 26 tahun.

Saya sedar kesilapan itu kerana saya sudah
kehilangan ister tercinta dan mustahil kami
akan dapat kembali bersama,Semuanya  berpunca
selapas berlaku salah faham selapas saya menyangka
dia berlaku curang selapas melihat lelaki tidak
dikenali berada di dalam rumah kami di Ampang
ketika saya pulang dari tempat kerja"katanya.

Saya  ketika itu yang kepanatan selapas seharian
berkerja terua mengamuk dan berlaku pertangkaran
antara kami."Walaupun isteri saya memberitahu
lelaki itu ada rakannya ,namun kerana ikutkan
panas baran dan cemburu buta saya bagaikan
dirasuk setan,terus menampar dan memukul
isteri saya"katanya dengan kesal.

Menurutnya,dia ketika itu tidak menyedari rakan
isteri nya itu berada di tandas,dia tanpa berfikir
panjang terus melafazkan cerai talak tiga menyebabkan
isterinya terkedu.

Bagaimanapun sebaik saya melafazkan cerai itu
baru saya sedar semua ini hanya lah salah faham,
apabila rakan isteri saya muncul dalam keadaan
terpinga pinga.

tindakan BODOH saya.Selapas itu isteri saya
terus keluar dari rumah dan pilang ke pengkuan

Dia berkata sejak  insiden itu dia mendapatkan
khidmat nasihat kaunseling untuk menaganni
sikap panas baran dan dia membertahu dia kini
semakin dapat mengawalnya.

Walaupnu saya berubah namun tidak mungkin
kami dapat bersama kembali,Nasi sudah menjadi

"APA apapun saya ingin momohom keampunan
kepadanya dan berdoa semoga dia bahagia kerana
antara kami ,sudah tiada  jodoh "katanya dengan sedih.


Monday 12 January 2015


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"Tanya dia  kerana dia yang masukkan
gambar itu  di Inatagram.Saya tak nak
komen apa apa,And kena faham,
Saya minat maaf"

Demikian kata condoktor muzic dan
komposer popular,Datuk Ramli  MS,
berhubung tindakan isterinya Alyah
34 yang juga penyanyi popular memuat
 naik gambar dia bersama seorang wanita

Alyah yang popular dengan lagu Sesal
Separuh Nyawa petang semalam mencetuskan
tanda tanya memuat naik gambar Ramli bersama
seorang  wanita dalam Instagram miliknya.

Gambar itu di muat naik berserta  status...
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku,sekiranya aku
menganiaya hambah mu yang lain,Kau
tuntunlah aku untuk kembali ke jalan
Mu,Namun jika aku yang dianiaya ,aku
mohon mu Ya Allah,Kau angkat lah doa
ku juga dengar alh kesedihan ku Ya Allah,

Kalau tidak pernah mencintai saya kenapa
perlakukan saya sebegini'Tah cukup lagi
kah pengorbanan yang saya lakukan?
Bagaimanapun memadamkan gambar itu
tidak lama kemkudian selapas mendapat
tahu ia mula menjadi viral"

Hati dan hidup saya sudah hancur ,Sudah
tidak bermakna lagi.Apa salah saya?
Dalam pada itu Alyah turut mengucapkan
tahniah kepada wanita terbabit kerana
berjaya menghancurkan rumah tangganya
Ramli danAlyah bernikah secara senyap di
Batam Indonesia pada 18 Mac.2013 Namun
cerita itu terbongkar apabila Jabatan Agama
Islam Selangor membuat serbuhan kerumah
mereka di Bandar Kinrara Puchong Ogos lalu.


Suami LALOK bakar isteri

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Berang kerana gagal mendapat wang
dipercayai untuk membeli dadah,seorang
suami menatak isterinya sebelum di bakar
hidup hidup selain menatak anak angkat
mereka  berusia enam tahun sehingah
parah di perkampongan Air Kampong
Pondo Pulau Gaya dekat sini semalam.

Dalam kejadian jam 2.30 pagi Darwina
54 di temui mati dengan kesan tetakan
di bahagian badannya manakal anaknya
Randi di kejarkan ke hospital Likas.
Selapas cedera parah hingah hampir
putus pergelangan tangan.

 Menurut sumber,suspect berusia 30 tahun
dikatakan meminta wang daripada isterinya
dipercayai untuk membeli dadah..
Suspect mula hilang pertimbangan lalu
mengambil pisau pemotong daging sebelum
menatak isterinya berulang kali.sumber berkata,
tidak cukup dengan itu lelaki berkenaan
terus mengambil petrol di rumah dan menyimbah
mangsa sebelum menyalahkan api.

Bagaimana pun lelaki itu yang berkerja sebagai
nelayan akhirnya menyarah diri selapas beberapa
penduduk kampong cuba menahanya.
Sumber berkata suspeck di bawa menaiki bot
ke Pangkalan Pasukan Polis Kota Kinabalu.

Sisatan awal mendapati suspect mengaku
tidak dapat melelapkan mata sejak empat
hari lalu dan mengaku fikirannya bercelaru.

Kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 302/326
Kanun Keseksaan.

German arrested for joining Islamic State

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A 24 year-old German suspected of
joining Islamic State jihadists in Syria
 was arrested,months after he  returned
from the war -ravaged country.

The suspect allegedly arrived in Syria
in October 2013 and was member of the
group until he returned home in November
German federal prosecutors said in a statement.

He is to go before a judge Sunday ,but has not
been accused of involvement in any attacks
and prosecutors stressed there was no link
with this week's bloody assault on the Charlie
Hebdo magazine offices in France.

Authorities said they had searched the man.s
home in Dinslaken in northwestern Germany
but did not elaborate.

German official estimate around 550 of their
citzens have made their way to Syria and Iraq
to fight alongside Islamic State,raising fears
of attack on home soil when they return. ...AFP

Sunday 11 January 2015

Cinta Jennifer Lawrence dan Martin kembali bertaut

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Pelakon Jennifer dan Chris   Martin
dilaporkan kembali menjalinkan hubungan
cinta selapas mereka dilihat menghabiskan
masa bersama sempena sambutan tahun baru
2015 pada 1 Januari lalu.

Summber memberitahu majala PEOPLE
pasangan berkenaan mengambil keputusan
untuk memberi peluang kedua terhadap
hubungan mereka selapas berpisah pada
October lalu.

Percintaan mereka tidak menjadi sebelum
ini.pasangan berkenaan mengambil keputusan
untuk mencubah sekali lagi dan kedua dua
mereka kelihatan kemited terhadap perkera itu.

Mereka akan berusah untuk meluangakan
masa bersama sama biarpun jadual mereka padat
dengan activity masing masing.kata sumber.

Dalam pada itu Jennifer jaga mula menerima
kenyataan bahawa Chris  perlu mengutamakan
anak anaknya ,hasil perkahwinan dengan aktres
Gwyneth Paltrow dan menyokong teman
lelakinya itu.

Pasangan itu sebelum ini dilaporkan berpisah
selapas Jennifer tidak adpat menerima hubungan
akrab Chris dengan bekas isterinya 'Biar pun
mereka sudah bercerai.

Arja Lee Sudah tiada pengurus

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Pelakon dan penyanyi Arja Lee menafikan
dakwaan kononya dia mengalami konflik
dengan pengurus sehingga terpaksa mengurus
kan sendiri kerjayanya tanpa bantuan sesiapa,
sejak tiga bulan lalu.

Arja atau nama sebenar Azharudin Ramli
31,menjelaskan hubungan mereka masih
kekal baik biarpun mengambil keputusan
untuk tidak menjalin hubungan profesional.
"Kami tidak bergaduh cuma bembawa haluan
masing masing dan sepanjang tiga bulan
ketiadaannya saya menguruskan kerjaya
saya sendiri ,katanya.

Dalam pada itu Arja berkata dia masih
belum terfikir untuk mencari pengganti
kerana lebih selesa menguruskan sendiri
kerjayanya buat masa ini.

Semantara itu Arja yang sebelum ini mengakui
kembali solo selapas hubungannya dengan
pelakon Shima Annur putus memberitahu
masih belum bersedia untuk pempunyai
pasangan kekasih.

"Soal jodoh itu bukan di tangan saya dan
sekiranya ada ...saya akan terima tetapi
tahun ini tumpuan saya adalah  kepada
kerjaya seni "katanya.

Relaxing Music Nature DVD - Seasons: Spring & Summer

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Freedom Relaxation Music With Quotes About Hills And Mountains Image Rel...

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Friday 9 January 2015

Picture of a Golden Sunset

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Drone Flying Above the Golden Sunset Park.
Come on Play (Video) With Music.

Unbroken actor O'Connell leads Bafta's rising star nominees

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 Jack O'Connel,the leading actor in Angelna Jolie 's
Unbroken and Whiplash star Miles Teller are
among five actors nominated by Britain Bafta on
Wednesday for its rising star award.

The line -up for the Bafta awards  Britain 's version
of the Oscars,is completed by young actresses
Shailene Woodly and Gugu Margot Robbie.

O'Connell 24 who is soon to star alongside George
Clooney,rose to fame in British teen television
drama series "Skins" before gaining crittcal acclaim
for his role in film"71" which deals with interfaith
clashes in belfast in 1971.

In "Unbroken"the British actor plays Louis Zamperini
,alieutenant in the US Air Force and prisoner of war

Teller 27 played the lead role in Whipplash which
tells the story of a young jazz drummer attending
the  prestigious Manhattan Conservatory under the
tutelage of a tyrannical teacher .

The young US actor previously shared the spotlight
with  one of his co-nominees Shailene Woodley
in sec-fi hit "Divergent".

Australian actress Robbie 24 shot to fame in 2013
when she played Naomi Lapaglia,the wife of Jordan
Belfort in Martin Scorcese's "The Wolf of Wall Sreet"

The nominations for the remaining categories including
best film director,actor and actress will be announced
on Friday with the awards ceremony set to take place
on February 8.AFP.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Thought Provoking quotes,Wake Up,Freedom truth (VIDEO )

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Boston marathon bombing (Video Bombing)

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 When the trial of Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev begins,
Liz Norden plans to stop working altogether.With two sons maimed
in the blast the 52-year old American say the marathon destroyed her
life,and she won't miss the proceedings.

On the morning of the bombing,her  sons JP,who was 33 at that time
and Paul 31 were cheering on a  friend near the marathon finsh line.
Then the twin bombs exploded 12 second apart,killing 3 people and
wounding 264 more including Paul and JP.

JP arrived in the hospital clinically dead.Paul was in a coma for several
days,They were burned on more than 50 percent of their bodies,missing
eyelashes and eyebrows and with burst eardrums,their mother said.

Tsarnaev faces the death penalty if convicted over the attack.
He is accused of carrying out the attacks  with his brother,Tamerlan.
who was killed in a  shootout with police as the pair went on the
run in the days immediately after the attacks.Dzhokhar has pleaded
 not guilty to 30 charges ,which include conspiracy to use a weapon
of mass destruction resulting in death and bombing a public place
His main lawyer ,Judy Clarke,is a renowned specialist on the death
penalty who has saved several convicts from execution by encouraging
them to plead guilty to lesser charge than those originally put forward.

The trial,expected to last three months . AFP

Wednesday 7 January 2015


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Aktres Kiera Knightley mengakui dia terkejut
apabila didekati seorang peminat yang menyangka
nya aktres Ann Hathaway.

Knightely berkata,kejadian itu berlaku di
Lapangan Terbang Toronto ,Kanada apabila
peminat tersebut menuduhnya biadad.

"Semasa di lapangan tersebut ,seorang wanita
menyangka saya adalah Hathaway  "
Rasanya saya perlu meminta maaf kepada
Hathaway kerana wanita itu menyangka
saya biadab,kerana tidak mahu bergambar
dengannya.tetapi sudah pun saya jelaskan
,yang saya bukan Hathaway,

Knightley baru baru mengumumkan dia
sedand mengandung dan dijngka bersalin
pad musim bunga tahun ini.

Pasangan kerdil Britain lahir bayi kerdil

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Pasangan kerdil Laura Whitfield dan Philps
berasa  bahagia selapas menyambut kelahiran
cahaya mata pertama mereka.,pada bulan lalu,
satu satunya bayi yang menggalami simptom
kerdil berganda di Britain.

Bayi berkenaan Nathan Philips dilaporkan berada
dalam keadaan sihat dan kini di jaga pasangan
kerdil Whitfield 24 dan Philips 34 tahun.

Mereka yang merupakan pelankon film Snow
White and the Seven DWARFS,juga mula
bersiap untuk kembali ke pentas bersama bayi
mereka mengadakan persambahan.

Laman web,Mail online melaporkan Whitfield
dinasihatkan supaya mengugurkan kendungan nya
selapas menerima diagnosis awal kendungan.

Whitfield dibertahu bayi berkenaan mungkin
memerlukan penjagaan khusus sekiranya dia
selamat dilahirkan.

"Pada minggu 25 doctor mendapati ukuran bayi
dalam rahim saya tidak seperti yang dijangka
.Nereka berpendapat bayi kami merwarisi
dua jenis gen unik yang mungkin berbaya.

"Saya dinasihatkan mengugurkan kendungan
saya,,tetapi saya tidak ambil peduli tentang
hal itu.'Saya dapat rasakan semuanya dalam
keadaan baik."Katanya dalam laporan di
laman webny.

 Pasangan kerdil itu ang bertemu ketika
penggambaran film Snow White And the
Seven Dwarfs'pada tahu lalu memaklum
kan bahawa mereka tidak pasti masa depan
anak mereka itu,namun mereka akan tetap tabah.


Monday 5 January 2015


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  1. IN this video you will see a number
  2. of beautiful flower garden and other
  3. related photos with sweet melody.
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The waterfalls in south America

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Iguazu falls is a tall and extremely wide waterfall
located in south America

China highways bleeding money despite high tolls

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China is losing  more than $10 billion
a year from its expressways,state media
reported Wednesday despite  levying hefty
tolls on the world's largest highway network
Chins spent 431 billion yuan on building
,maintaining and operating  highways in 2013,
The China Daily reported.

Laying one kilometre of highway cost about
91 million yuan in 2013 an 80 percent increase
from 2011 according to the Minister of Transports
annual report.

Under current regulations ,local transport bureaux
can collect tolls for 15 years to recoup the cost
of building highways.But many have also applied
for extension for what they say are maintenance
costs,the China Daily reported.

China has the longest highway network in the
world with 156,500  kilometre of expressways
including  more  than 100,000 kilometres of
the  tolls roads.

Many drivers bemoan the unubiquitous
tolls fees ,which can make driving between
two cities or taking road trips prohbitively

An ambulance pulls away from the Royal Free hospital in London on January 2015

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A British  nurse who contracted Ebola
in Sierra Leone and was hospitises in
London this week  is now in a critical
condition the hospital treating her said.

On Wednesday doctors had said the
39 year old Scot was sitting up in bed
reading and talking   to staff from inside
her isolation tent in the hospital.

They said Cafferkey who was working
with the charity Save the children in Sierra
Leone had agreed to have  blood plasma
treatment .

However they were not able to give her
ZMapp,the drug successfully used to
treat fellowBritish volunteer nurse
William Pooley ,because global supplies
had run out.

Doctor Michael Jacobs,infectious disease
consultant at the Royal Free had warned
at the time that "Ebola runs a very variable
course and the next few days are going to
be critical.

British Prime Minister David Cameron
said on Twitter, "Thoughts and prayers
are with nurse Pauline Cafferkey who is
in critical condition with Ebola."

She was diagnosed in Glasgow on December
29 after flying home and was transfered to
the Royal free  which has the only isolation
ward in Britain equipped for Ebola.

Cambodia jails vagrant for killing Dutch woman ,baby

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A Cambodia court onWednesday sentenced
a homless man to 13 years in jail for killing
A dutch women and her baby daughter during
an attempted robbery at their Phnom Penh home.

Daohna Beerdsen 31 who worked as a cosultant
for the United Nations in Cambodia ,was found
dead in April and her two-year baby daughter
died from her wound about a week later in a
hospital in neighbouring  Thailand ,where she
was sent for  emergency medical care.

Two days after the attack,Chea phin 35 was
arrested at a Buddhist pagoda and confessed
to the crime .

Speaking after his sentencing Phin said
he accepted the ruling.
During his trial he admitted to the frenzied
attack on Beerdsen and her baby daughter,
after entering their house and trying to
steal a bicycle,

He told the court that he did not go to
 her house with the intention to kill her,
My goal is to steal her bicycle,he said.

The victim had worked as a cosultant
for UN habitat,which promotes sustainable
urban development.

Jennifer and Marc share tears,

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Jennifer Lopez has married  and divorce
three times,Her other marriages were to
Cuban waiter Ojani Noa between 1997

After seven years of marriage J.L and Marc
split in July 2011 with the Amrican Idol
judge going on to start dating back-up
dancer Casper-Smart 27 a few month later.

Mean while  Marc 46 remarried for the
third time to Venezuelan model Shannon.
De Lima 26 in November2004 after J.Lo
finalising his divorce from Marc

Jennifer Lopez Recalls pain of Marc Anthony split

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Lopez broke down while admitting
she felt she was going to die when
her marriage to Marc Anthony broke up.

 singeThe 45 year-old singer who was
married to the singer//song writer for
10 years until their divorce last year-insists
she tried her very best to make their relation-
ship work but it  wasn't to be and she experienced
more pain than she ever had before when
the former couple went through a divorce.

Speaking on HBO documentary :JENNIFER
Dance again the emotional star said I remember
being on the set and being in my dressing
  room and feeling like I could get up in the
morning and there;s just no pain like that.
She said.

Family torn apart J-L admitted the split was
made extra difficult because they had two
children together ,Jennifer admitted her and
45-year old Marc's divorce was particularly
agonising because she knew their children
would devasted.

Dr. Suzuki visit's Richard n Norie's "Garden of Paradise" in Ecuador

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Seorang warga emas berang apabila
gagl membeli tiket kerita api menggunakan
wang yang telah dihentikan pengeluarannya,
pada 1949

Wang itu di keluarkan pada 1943 dan memapar
kan wajah presiden pertama China,Sun Yat-sen.
Menurut Ying 80 penjual tiket  enggan menerima
wang 500 yuan (RM274) itu. untuk
membeli tiket bernilai 12.5 yuan (RM7)
bagi perjalanan Yongkang ke Lishui.

Bagaimanapun perkerja terbabit tidak menyangka
wang Ying itu kini bernilai lebihA$$100 (RM340)
atau 25 kali perjalanan antara Yongkang and Lishui.


kaki hilang hati girang

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Disebabakan kemurungan seorang rumajah
cuba membunuh diri dengan berbaring di
landasan kerita api ,tetapi sempat menukar
fikiran di saat saat akhisr.

Walaupun terselamat dia kehilangan kedua dua
kakinya 'Kini selapas tujuh tahun berlalu
Helen Galsworthy berazam menuruskan
kehidupan dan menjadi ibu penyayang.

Menceritakan pengalaman nya pada 2007
itu Helen berkata dia baru berusia 18 tahun.
Tetapi terlalu kecewa kerana percintaannya

Dia kemudian mahu membunuh diri dengan
berbaring di landasan kerita api,dengan
harapan nyawannya dicabut segera.

Namun beberapa detik sebelum digilis,
Helen mengubah fikiran dan menyalamatkan
diri Perkara terakhir yang saya  mampu
ialah melihat kedua dua kakinya terpisah dari

ingat sebelum  tidak sedarkan diri
ialah melihat kedua dua kakinya terpisah
dari badannya,
"Saya boleh lihat darah membuak buak,
ia begitu menyakitkan "katanya.

Tujuh tahun kemudian Helen di kurniakan
seorang bayi lelaki,dan masih menyambung
pelajaran di universiti.

Kata Helen  sebelum ini tidak pernah
termimpi ada sesiapa akan menyayangi nya.
Hidup Helen bertukar pada 2011 apabila
di maklumkan di hamil
Hidup ibu kudung ,lebih bermakna
selapas kelahiran anak sulungnya.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Skeletal remains found -a year after lorry plunged into ravine.

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The skeletal remains of a man was  discovered
on Saturday in a wrecked one -tonne lorry
which apparently plunged into a ravine along
Km16 Jalan Keningau-Kimanis here a year ago.

District Police Chief DSP Douglas Nyeying Taong
said police received a call alerting  them of the
discovery at about 3.55pm.

It was learnt that a group of villagers were
clearing some bushes on the land when one of
them saw the wrecked lorry in the ravine located
some 30 meters from the main road.

This prompted him to get closer to the wrecked
lorry to inspect , only to find the skeletal
remains of a human .The company name registered
on the lorry led police to a house in  Kg Masjid
when they were informed by a woman that her
son ,identified as 28 year-old Sharif Bin Marsuki
a Bugis ,had not returned home since January
last year,

It was learnt that the family did not lodge
a police report and only did so when the  discovery
was made on Saturday ,Douglas said ,they believe
the man might have lost control of the lorry causing
it to plunge into the ravine.

The case is investigated under Section41 of the
Road Transportation Act 1987.


Saturday 3 January 2015

Tanah Merah banjir

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Tanah Merah

Hampir 200 meter jauhnya ,Itu penangan
banjir kali ini apabila mampu mengalikan
rumah sewa di huni empat beranak di
kampung Pisang Mangala di sini ke atas
jalan raya.

Zawadi Che Pa 36 berkata  dia terkejut
apabila pulang ke rumahnya mendapati
rumahnya berali kedudukan.Bila pandang
keliling dia nampak rumahnya 200 meter
dari tapak asal.
Rumah dah atas jalan raya.

Serbia takes over as OSCE head

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Serbia takes over the Presidency of the OSCE
from Switzerland,as the multinational body
plays a prominent role in efforts to resolve
the Ukraine conflict.

The  Organization for Security and Cooperation
in Europe,headquartered in Vienna and
representing 57 states was created   as an
 was created as an  East-West forum during
the cold War.

The OSCE sent hundred of observers
into Ukraine as violence erupted there in
April and took part in talks for September
ceasefire agreement ,which failed to
stop the fighting.

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacie
is due to present the priorities of the
Presidency on in Vienna.


Ex-lover kills three at New Year party in France

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 LILLE.France A man shot dead his former
lover and two other people at a family  New Year
party in northern France before turning the
gun on himself in an apparent crime of passion
police said.

The 30 year old also wounded three people
one seriously with a hunting rifle in the attack
which  took place in the early hours of Thursday
morning in a quiet street in Arras not far
from the port of Calais.

The man did not handle his split from his
former lover well,according to polic

According to police those two men shot
dead ni their 50,s.The killer was later found
dead in his car ny officers close to the
local hospital.
The two witnesses were also been cared
for by emergency services.

Friday 2 January 2015

FBI arrest suspect accused of shooting at LA police

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A second suspect has been  arrested for allegedly
opening fire on two Los Angeles 'police ,the
FBI said  with the United States still on edge
over the murders of two New York officers.

The alleged shooter,James Brooks,19 was arrested
Wednesday in Las Vegas,the FBI said in the

The other suspect was detained shortly after the
incident,authorities said ,Law enforcement across
the United State has been on alert after the fatal
shootings of the two  officers in NewYork
earlier in this month.

America's largest city was left in shock by the
killings of Wenjian Liu 32,and Rafael Ramos,40
shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car
in broad day light in Brookyln on December 20.

The two officers were slain following nationwide
demonstrations over the killing of several black
suspects by police,amid histroically bad relations
between US law enforcement and the African
American community.

France says world must stop Libya from becoming terrorist haven

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French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Drian
called upon the international community
to act to prevent Libya from becoming
a "sanctuary for terrorists.

Three years after dictator Moamer Gaddafi
was toppled and killed in a Nato-backed
revolt -Libya is awash with weapons and
powerful militias ,and run by rival governments
and parliaments.

"It will be a serious mistake for the international
to remain passive in the face of the growth of a
such a hotbed of terrorism in the heart of the
Mediterranean,Le Drian said,addressing soldiers
at a French military base in the Chadian capital

His call came as the UN mission to Libya UNSMIL,
plans a new round of peace talks between warring
factions aimed at ending months of violence and
political deadlock in the North African nation.


US fast food giant Chich-ifl A-probes security breach

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Chick-fil A,one of Ametican's most  popular
fast food restaurants is the lastest corporation
to investigate the possible hacking of its
customers'credit card data.

"Chich-fil A recently received reports of potential
unusual activity involving payment cards used
at a few of our restaurants'the company said  in
a statement Wednesday.

The company promised that if a security breach
was firmed it would  assume financial responsibility
for fraudulent charges to customers" accounts
and arrange for free identity protection services
-including credit monitoring --for any affected

US financial institutions have expressed alarm
over data breaches affecting a growing number
of American retailers.Berger cited a massive data
breach at Target a year ago and the similar
 compromising of consumer information at
retailers including Home Depot,Michaels
Stores,Neiman Marcus ,AOL and Staples.

"Congress should hold retailers subject to the
same national data security standards that
apply to financial institutions.......AFP.

Israel hails highest immigration figures in a decade.

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 The number of Jews moving to Israel leapt in 2014
to its highest figure in a decade ,with western Europe
leading the way ,the immigration ministry said.

Immigration hit a 10 year high,with the arrival
of some 26,500 new residents ,according to a
joint statement with the Jewish Agency,a quasi-
governmental organisation tasked with encouraging
Jews to move to Israel.

It 'also'saw a historic shift;for the first time in
Israel's history,the  number of immigrants who came
to Israel from the free world is greater than that of
immigrants fleeing countries in distress

For the first time  ever,France provided the biggest
number,as more than 6,600 Jews moved to Israel.
 That was nearly twice the 3,400 who arrived in 2013.

Immigration from former Soviet Union countries
saw a 50 percent increase ,with the arrival of some
11450 people .compared with 7,610 in 2013.
That was largely driven by an exodus from conflict-
wracked UKRAINE,where the number surged
190 percent to 5,840--AFP.