Sunday 12 July 2015

Voice of Mr Burns ,Ned Flanders to stay on with "Simpsons (VIDEO )

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Emmy-winning actor Harry Shearer will
voice the pious Ned-Flanders and greedy
Mr Burns for the next two seasons of The
Simpsons" after resolving contract dispute
,Variety magazine reported Tuesday.

Shearer ,who said in May that he would
be leaving the longrunning Fox series
 will be back for seasons 27 and 28 after
negotiating a new agreement ,the the
entertainment trade magazine said

Shearer has been part of "The Simpsons"
cast since its debut in 1989

The actor  is the vocal forces behind a
handful of Simpsons" characters-Home
Simpson's neighbor -Fanders,the evil-
billionaire Burns,Principal Skinner and
Burns obsequious manservant Wayon

The series showrunner <Al Jean  thold
The New York Times at the time f Shearer's
announcement that the show did not plan
to kill off the characters,but rather recast the
voices .

In a subsequent interview with Entertainment
,Weekly ,however ,he hinted at a glimmer
of hope that Shearer might return,stating "We
are still hoping he might come back ,Nothing 's
done til it's done,

The show averages 7.7 million viewers on television
in the United State Million more enjoy
"The Simpsons"in foreign  markets,according to
US parent network.

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